Build a Bog Garden
Bog gardens make a beautiful, fascinating and curious garden addition.
Building and gardening a successful bog garden comes with understanding natural bogs.
Bogs have 4 main characteristics
- Abundant clean freshwater
- Nutrient poor soil
- Abundant sunlight
- Abundant sphagnum moss
So for a successful Bog Garden keep these characteristics in mind
- Open sunny location
- Wet all of the time
- Mineral-free water
- Mineral-free soil
- Abundant sphagnum moss
Plan Ahead
- Site
- Size
- Plants
- Design
- Planting density
- Time of year
- Watering
- Care
- Pests
- Costs
- Help
- Sequencing
Site Selection
- Open Sunny
- Some shade OK
- Neighboring trees
- Shade & fall leaves
- Pool or Pond Margin
- Level
- Runoff
- Flooding during downpours
- South Viewing Area
- Wind & Animal Protection
Water Source
- Cistern
- Downspout
- Condensation line
- Emergency Tap water
- Size
- Arm’s Reach
- Bigger is more stable
- Dirt Removal
- Supplies
- Sphagnum Peat Moss
- Clean Sand
- Heavy Duty Plastic Sheeting
- 1/4” Hardware Cloth
- Lawn Edging
- Tools
- Wheel barrow
- Shovel
- Trowel
- Utility Knife
- Rope or hose
Preparing the Bog

- Outline shape
- Dig to Depth 12-24” w/ nearly straight sides
- Protect lawn w/ tarp
- Line with hardware cloth (optional rodent problem)
- Position sheeting-allow for extra
- Poke drainage holes
- Perforated vertical standpipe-optional
- Fill with CP soil
- peat : sand = 1 : 1
- sand bottom optional
- mix in place
- moisten as you go
- Insure liner fits contours
- Allow for settling
- Trim excess liner
- Add lawn edging
- Create runoff
- Soak well
- Let settle
- Tall plants in north side
- middle/back
- Small in front
- mixed with tall
- Work from back to front
- or middle to front for round bog
- Spacing
- 6-12 plants/sq. ft.
- Allow for growth
- Plants normally grow close
Other Considerations
- Bog companions (orchids, flowers, lycopodium …)
- Work with clean plants
- Remove weeds/disease
- Moss top dressing
- Seeding
- Natural vs. symmetry
- Avoid accents of limestone/marble
- Constantly moist, not necessarily saturated
- Gentle hand watering
- Watering schedule typical 4-day interval
- Tap water OK in a pinch
- Weeding
- Cutting nearby grass to avoid invasive weeds
- Trim dead/brown, leave digesting traps
- No fertilizer
- Feeding not necessary
Winter Protection
- Critical temperature is 24°F.
- How fast it gets cold is more significant that how cold it gets.
- Mulch
- Netting first
- 6” pine needles
- Top with pine boughs
- Avoid oak or other leaves than tend to pack layers
- Frost heaving - replant immediately
- Trim & clean before mulching
- Winter fabric
- Winter rodent damage