Lab: Bulb Divisions Venus Flytrap
Lab: Venus Flytrap Bulb Divisions
Purpose: Investigate the plant propagation technique of bulb division and produce venus flytrap plants.
Materials Provided:
1 Bare-root Venus Flytraps
1 Cup with lid
Sphagnum peat moss
Student directions and data sheet (automatic email delivery)
Materials Needed:
1 Pint distilled water or rain water
Optional: Magnifying Glass
Optional: 3" pots and CP soil
Grade Level: 4-5 elementary, middle school, high school, undergraduate.
Venus Flytraps are probably the most famous and desired of all carnivorous plants. Their fast moving bear trap like leaves are unique in the world, and they quickly close on flies and other medium size insects to digest them within a few days. Cool.
In this laboratory experience students learn and practice the propagation method of bulb division. They divide a bulb, place divisions in damp peat, record observations, and harvest dozens of flytrap plantlets. They can also identify and investigate the variables that affect this process. A productive experiment will end with dozens of healthy venus flytrap plants. Students may opt to plant them up and take them home.
This series of carnivorous plant lab investigations is based on scientific inquiry standards of the National Science Education Standards, and are consistent with State Learning Objectives. Students have the opportunity to think and act like scientists during these investigations. Written and classroom tested by Michael Szesze, Awarding Winning Science Teacher.