
Sundew carnivorous plants, the Drosera, are one of the largest groups of insectivorous plants, and we offer an extensive selection available for sale. Choose among Temperates, Tropicals, Pygmies, and Hybrids.

Don't forget to include soil with your order of plants. If your nightly low temperature is below 55°F(13°C) we recommend you include a heat pack with your order of tropical Sundews.

Drosera paleacea from wikicommons

Drosera paleacea


Ease to Grow: Moderate Dormancy: Yes, forming gemmae Native Range: Peaty wetlands of Southwestern Australia Zones: 10 (9-11) Drosera paleacea, is o...

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Drosera pulchella

Drosera pulchella


Ease to Grow: EasyDormancy: Yes, forming gemmaeNative Range: Peaty wetlands of Southwestern AustraliaZones: 10 (9-11) Drosera pulchella, is one of ...

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Drosera roseana
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Drosera roseana


Ease to Grow: Moderate Dormancy: Yes, forming gemmae Native Range: Peaty wetlands of Southwestern Australia Zones: 10 (9-11) Drosera roseana, is on...

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drosera sargentii plant picture from Wikicommons
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Drosera sargentii


Ease to Grow: ModerateDormancy: Yes, forming gemmaeNative Range: Peaty wetlands of Southwestern AustraliaZones: 10 (9-11) Drosera sargentii, is one...

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