Bugs in the Bog Board Game (Digital Download)
Bugs in the Bog Board Game
This is a PDF version of the carnivorous plant board game that has been classroom tested by Mr. Szesze. It was originally developed for student review of his Biology Unit on Carnivorous Plants. Students kept asking to play it so often that copies were made available for others as gifts and instructional materials.
Note: Assembly required. Digital download includes all required instructions and materials in PDF format which must be printed, cut and assembled prior to play.
The game is a cross between "Sorry" and "Trivial Pursuit." Players use insect tokens and move according to how correctly they answer "Question" cards. There are Flytrap, Butterwort, Sundew and Pitcher Plant spaces that can be tricky to escape. "Bog" spaces provide consequences of habitat and ecology that can effect movement. It is a great way to learn about carnivorous plants and have fun doing it. The game has been a great hit at ICPS Conferences for adults too.