Sundew Set 1 Mix


Contains 6 plants selected from:

  • Bird's Nest Sundew (D. intermedia.)
  • Cape Sundew (D. capensis.)
  • Thread-Leafed Sundew (D. filiformis)
  • Round Leaf Sundew (D. rotundifolia)
  • Spatulate Sundew (D. spatulata)
  • Giant Forked Sundew (D. binata var. dichotoma)
  • Staghorn Sundew (D. binata var. multifida extrema)
  • Southern Thread-leaved Sundew (D filiformis tracyi)

A mix of 6 different sundews selected from the listing above.  Temperate sundews in their dormant season, will be shipped as dormant hibernacula.  Juvenile plants may be shipped.

Species and cultivars may vary, but will all be different.

Plants shipped bare-root, wrapped in damp sphagnum moss. Photographs are representative of species, not the plants shipped.

Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Aloha from Hawaii

Drosera filiformis died and shows no signs of regrowth but the other plants are thriving. I appreciate the sphagnum moss and one of my plants came with extra babies which I appreciate. Will order again.

Roxanne Dengler
Pretty nice

The staghorn was pretty much DOA, but the rest are looking pretty good. They were lovingly packaged, which is nice. I like the identification tags being included with each plant.

Casey Knoblock

Sundew Set 1 Mix

Great plants

Absolutely loved my collection. I made a bog environment for them and they did well. Kept the soil gnats down very nicely until I got sick and couldn't care for them and sadly didn't make it. Be assured I'll be ordering replacements soon.

Charles Chen
A beautiful Addition

I was impressed by how well packaged and wrapped my order was prepared. You can tell a lot of thought and care went to protecting these little guys for safe transport. All plants arrived safely and in very strong condition. I had my pots ready for transplant prior to receiving the order and it made things a lot easier to get them in their new home. It's been a couple of weeks and they are still going strong. Definitely will order again from this place in the future!

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