General Growing and Care



Gemmae are seed-like leaf buds that form in the winter crown of pygmy sundews.
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Growing Tips for Wildflowers

Growing Tips for Wildflowers

   Wildflowers Soil: 1:1:1: peat:sand:leaf mould. Container: 6+" plastic pot. Watering: moist to well drained. Light: partial to dappled sun. Temperature: warm summer, cool winter-tolerates frost. Humidity: medium. Location: outdoors, cold greenhouse. Dormancy: yes. Habitat Wildflowers grow naturally in the...

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Growing Tips for Tropical Butterworts

Growing Tips for Tropical Butterworts

Tropical Butterworts, Pinguicula, typically grow in seasonal humid fog forests in highland areas of Central America and the Carribbean, on cliffs of limestone. They experience warm, summer monsoons and cooler winter droughts.
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Growing Tips for Terrestrial Bladderworts

Growing Tips for Terrestrial Bladderworts

Terrestrial Bladderworts, Utricularia, are the most common group of CPs and grow in a variety of biomes worldwide. Most terrestrial bladderworts grow in typical CP conditions of sunny, very wet, peaty soil.
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Growing Tips for Roridula

Growing Tips for Roridula

How to grow Roridula carnivorous plants successfully. Roridula can be challenging to grow. Keep in mind it comes from a mediterranean-like climate, much like that of Cephalotus, and prefers humid, warm, sunny conditions, i.e. subtropical.
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Carnivorous Plants can be propagated in a variety of ways including: seeds, vegetative apomixis, leaf budding, stolons, tissue culture and more.
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Potting Cephalotus

Potting Cephalotus

Here's an illustrated description of how to pot a Cephalotus. The technique can easily be applied to many carnivorous plants.
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Pests on Carnivorous Plants

Pests on Carnivorous Plants

Carnivorous plants are typically pest free, but can be bothered by scale, aphids, thrips and a few other pests, that are easily treated.
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Overwintering Carnivorous Plants

Overwintering Carnivorous Plants

It's a good idea to provide winter protection for your carnivorous plants. You have put a lot of time, energy and money into your bog garden, and protecting your investment is worthwhile.
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