Carnivorous Plant Mix Seeds


Ease to Grow: Challenging
Dormancy: Preferred
Native Range: Wetlands of Eastern North America
Zones: 5-9 (4-10)

Buy assorted carnivorous plant seeds selected from Venus Flytrap, Purple Pitcher Plant, Hooded Pitcher Plant, Yellow Pitcher Plant, Threadleaf Sundew, Bird’s Nest Sundew, Grass Pink Orchid, Cardinal Flower and more. Seeds mixed in a single packet. Prefers damp, peaty soil.

Carnivorous plant seed packs are freshly harvested in the Fall and stored refrigerated. Seed count is approximate, but reliable.

Note: Stratification is required to prepare seeds for germination. All seeds are produced from open pollination within our collection. Some cross pollination among different cultivars may occur. Growing carnivorous plants from seeds is best suited for the experienced and patient grower. See our webpage on Growing CPs from Seeds.

Height: 4" - 18"
Plant Type: Perennial, cold temperate
Soil: All-Purpose Mix
Soil pH: 4.0 - 6.5
Light: Full to Partial Sun
Use: Pretty ornamental in the bog garden

Customer Reviews

Based on 31 reviews
Good deal

Plants came quickly and with a free gift. Fingers crossed they sprout.


Received my mixtures of seeds put them in the refrigerator to go through stratification will plant them in the spring and see what happens win lopse or draw I'm not going to be out too much hopefully a couple will come up

Jayne R.
As far as I know-

I received a fair amount of seed in my order. They’re in my fridge cold-stratifying so I don’t know what’s all in there, but I’m looking forward to finding out!

jim henkel
in waiting

planted seeds in coir/sand mix to stratify over winter, so guess we'll see next spring. No clue what plants were in the seed packet.

Christopher Balogh
Good intro to growing carnivorous plants from seed

I ordered a packet of these seeds 2 years ago and again this year. In the previous order, I was happy with the variety of Venus's Flytraps, North American Pitcher Plants, and North American Sundews that germinated from this mix. The last order I got is in my refrigerator right now stratifying.

Instructions are clear. One warning I will give is that the seeds can take an additional summer or additional cold period to germinate, so don't throw away your soil immediately after potting up the first round of seedlings.

Ultimately - my intention is to plant a somewhat large artificial bog, and this is an economical way to do so if you have patience for growing plants from seed.

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