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Nepenthes glandulifera

Nepenthes glandulifera

from $31.95

Ease to Grow: EasyDormancy: NoNative Range: Hope Mountain, Sarawak on BorneoZones: 11-12 (10-13) Nepenthes glandulifera, is a medium size, robustly...

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from $31.95
Nepenthes fusca

Nepenthes fusca

from $19.95

Ease to Grow: EasyDormancy: NoNative Range: Highlands of BorneoZones: 10-11 (9-12) Nepenthes fusca, is a medium size, robust growing carnivorous tr...

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from $19.95
Nepenthes ampullaria

Nepenthes ampullaria

from $24.95

Ease to Grow: EasyDormancy: NoNative Range: Philippine LowlandsZones: 12-13 (11-13) Nepenthes ampullaria, is a small, low growing carnivorous tropi...

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from $24.95

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