Englemann's Arrowhead


Ease to Grow: Easy
Dormancy: Yes
Native Range: Wetlands of Eastern North and South America
Zones: 5-7  (4-8)

Englemann's Arrowhead, Sagittaria engelmanniana, is a perennial bog emergent aquatic plant and excellent cover plant for aquatic carnivores such as Aldrovanda and Bladderworts. It's small size lends well to growing in a small aquarium or other confined spaces. Unlike the Common Arrowhead (S. latifolia) with broad leaves, Englemann's has very narrow leaves with 3 narrow lobes. Though fairly common in all states along the Atlantic, it is rarely available. Flowers are white and appear throughout the Summer. It is a hardy water plant and dormancy is required. It is a prolific easy grower. The rhizomes can grow and multiply rapidly, forming an ever increasing cluster. It is an excellent companion for bladderworts and Aldrovanda, providing dappled light, and organic matter to the water, essential for the development of micro organisms that become the prey for aquatic carnivorous plants. It is propagated from seeds and cuttings.

Plants are shipped bare root, wrapped in sphagnum moss. In it's dormant season, it will be shipped as a dormant rhizomes with trimmed leaves. Photographs are representative of species and not the specific plant for sale.

Height: 6" - 24+"
Plant Type: Perennial, cold temperate
Soil: General Bog Mix
Soil pH: 5.5-7
Light: Full to Partial Sun
Use: Emergent water plant for ponds and pools

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