Pickerelweed Seeds
Ease to Grow: Easy
Dormancy: Yes
Native Range: Wetlands of Eastern North and South America
Zones: 3-9 (2-10)
Pickerelweed, Pontederia cordata, is an emergent perennial with broad, sword shaped leaves and charming, tubular, blue and purple flowers on tall spikes. The flowers attract many insects, that become prey to carnivorous plants. The leaves are large, waxy, and quite succulent. It is winter hardy, and prefers growing along the water's edge. It is a prolific grower, tolerating a wide range of wet growing conditions. The rhizomes can grow rapidly, forming a nice colony of plants in a season. It is an excellent companion for bladderworts and Aldrovanda, providing dappled light, and organic matter to the water, essential for the development of micro organisms that become the prey for aquatic carnivorous plants. It is propagated from seeds and cuttings. Seeds are edible and leaves can be cooked like spinach.
Seed Packs are fresh harvested in the Fall, and stored refrigerated. Seed count is approximate, but reliable.
Note: Stratification is required to prepare seeds for germination. We recommend using our Stratification Sand. All seeds are produced from open pollination within our collection. Some cross pollination among different cultivars may occur. Growing carnivorous plants from seeds is best suited for the experienced and patient grower. See our webpage on Growing CPs from Seeds.
Height: 8" - 16+"
Plant Type: Perennial, cold temperate
Soil: General Bog Mix
Soil pH: 5.5-7
Light: Full to Partial Sun
Use: Tall, stately blue flowers