Grass Pink Orchid Seeds


Ease to Grow: Moderate
Dormancy: Recommended
Native Range: Peat Bogs of Eastern and Central North America
Zones: 3-9 (2-10)

The Grass Pink, Calopogon tuberosa, is one of the showiest and most common of all our native orchids.  The bright pink blooms are 2" (4cm) across with multiple flowers (up to 10+) on each spike. The petals are brilliant magenta and the lip is tipped with bright yellow bristles that attract insects.  It is a summer bloomer, and flowers over a long period of time, several flowers at a time. Grass Pink is a bog plant which grows in open, acid bogs with sphagnum moss, but is adaptable to drier, upland conditions, as long as the soil remains damp during flowering. It is winter hardy, and should be in well drained soil and protected from rodents during dormancy. Mulch with 4+" of pine needles in the Fall. Leave at least a 1" of needles after spring cleanup. The corms can be stored in damp sphagnum at 35°F (2°C) in a refrigerator for 3 or 4 months. Water with rain/distilled water, they are sensitive to mineral buildup. It spreads nicely and grows well with pitcher plants. It is an attention getter.

Curiously, flowers are upside down and have a moving lip, that can be tripped, and dab pollen on an insects.
Our plants are not collected from the wild, and are propagated from root divisions of plants in our collection.

Seed Packs are fresh harvested in the Fall, and stored refrigerated. Seed count is approximate, but reliable.

Note: Stratification is required to prepare seeds for germination. All seeds are produced from open pollination within our collection. Some cross pollination among different cultivars may occur. Growing carnivorous plants from seeds is best suited for the experienced and patient grower. See our webpage on Growing CPs from Seeds.

Height: 8" - 16"
Plant Type: Perennial, cold temperate
Soil: Bog Orchid Mix
Soil pH: 4-6
Light: Full to Partial Sun
Use: Grows best outdoors in the bog garden or pots.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Seeds appear healthy - Let's see if I have a green enough thumb

I'll start by saying that I haven't had any germinate yet but - the seeds do look healthy and seem like a good starting point for my attempts at growing bog orchids from seed.
I'm looking forward to whatever success I'm able to have!

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